How to Treat Gerd in Children?
- The frequency of symptoms is 1-10%
- It is the most important cause of gastrointestinal diseases in children with neurological and chronic respiratory diseases.
Esophageal Symptoms
Regurgitation, irritability, feeding difficulty, vomiting, chest pain, heartburn, abdominal pain
Extra-Oesophageal symptoms
- Apnea, stridor, chronic cough, hoarseness, asthma, dental erosions
- Sandifer's syndrome
Gerd Complications in Children
Stricture, Barrett's esophagus, adenocarcinoma
Diagnosis of Gerd in Children
- anamnesis
- endoscopy
- pH meter
- Fluoroscopy
- scintigraphy
- impedance
How to Treat Gerd in the Elderly?
- Less severe reflux symptoms occur in younger people
- More serious complications of reflux disease occur
- Extra-esophageal symptoms are more common, so diagnosis is made later
- Comorbid conditions become more pronounced with GERD
- Heartburn is a less common symptom
- GERD-related asthma is characterized by nocturnal cough, onset at later ages, and resistance to standard bronchodilator therapy.
- GERD is associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the elderly
- Diagnosis is different for young people
- It is recommended to apply medical treatment first.
Gerd Diagnosis Methods in the Elderly
- In cases of alarm or atypical symptoms
- Symptoms resistant to medical therapy
- Alarming symptoms include gastrointestinal bleeding, insignificant weight loss, iron deficiency anemia, dysphagia, persistent vomiting, epigastric mass,
- Barium radiographs are more effective in the elderly in terms of showing anatomy and esophageal function.
- Endoscopy may be the first diagnostic method depending on the duration and severity of heartburn symptoms.