Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer is defined as a type of cancer that ...
Diabetes is a serious disease that significantly affects the patient's overall health status. There are some points that the patient should pay attention to in order to control diabetes, which is a chronic disease, throughout life. Diabetes, which everyone knows but does not know what it is; It occurs as a result of the pancreas secreting insufficient insulin.
As a result of insulin deficiency, the sugar taken from food cannot reach the necessary cells and rises in the blood. The increase in the sugar level in the blood creates a toxic effect on the patient and negatively affects many organs.
Diabetes, which is a metabolic disease, is a disease that must be controlled, but it is a problem that can be seen at any age and must be controlled.
Diabetes causes some symptoms in the person. These symptoms are usually experienced as follows;
The biggest factor in the emergence of diabetes, which has multiple causes, is genetics. However, being over the ideal weight, advanced age, stress, gestational diabetes and a sedentary lifestyle can also cause diabetes.
It is of great importance to start early diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible in order to minimize the effects of diabetes, which requires lifelong treatment, on the total health status. In recent years, both health institutions and social responsibility projects have carried out many campaigns and promotions to inform the public about diabetes. People must know what diabetes is, its causes and symptoms, and they must begin treatment when the symptoms appear.
This type of diabetes is also defined as insulin-dependent diabetes. It usually occurs in childhood and requires early diagnosis and treatment.
It occurs as a result of cells becoming unresponsive to the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar.
It is usually seen at an early age.
It is seen during pregnancy.