What are Stomach Diseases?
The digestive system, that is, the Gastrointestina...
Ulcer, seen in many people (especially adults), is a health problem that reduces the quality of life. So what is an ulcer? How does it occur? Ulcer means a wound that occurs as a result of the erosion of the mucosa (stomach lining) covering the inner surface of the stomach. This wound can be of different depths and sizes. Stomach ulcer ; Helicobacter pylori can occur due to reasons such as bacteria, nerves and stress. It is very common in society, and according to research, it has been revealed that one in every five people in Turkey has an ulcer. It is seen three times more frequently in individuals over the age of 60 and in men than in women.
As mentioned above, ulcers occur as a result of erosion in the duodenum and the inner surface of the stomach. When the mucosa (stomach lining) wears out, it loses its effect, that is, it cannot fulfill its functions of protecting the stomach from acids and external factors. As a result, these wounds we mentioned occur.
It is possible to talk about two types of ulcers. One of these is peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer is a type of ulcer that occurs in both the stomach and duodenum. The cause of these wounds is usually the bacteria we call Helicobacter pylori. The treatment process is long.
The second type is duodenal ulcer, and this type of ulcer is found in the duodenum. It is the most common type of ulcer. Pain usually occurs in the area just below the breastbone and is felt especially when fasting. The pain usually goes away when you eat or drink something.
The most common cause of ulcer wound formation is Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This bacterium does not show many symptoms during the formation period. With its formation, it causes wounds and digestive system discomfort. It is an infectious bacteria. Therefore, it passes into the body through contaminated food and water. Diagnosis of this bacterium can be made by blood test, stool test and breath test.
Long-term use of NSAID-type drugs causes disruptions in the digestive system. This may cause ulcer wounds to form or existing wounds to become worse.
One of the biggest causes of ulcers is stress, as mentioned above. Stress makes the body vulnerable to many diseases. One of these is ulcer. In addition to the decrease in the body's defenses, stomach acid is secreted abundantly due to stress, which causes ulcer formation.
Stomach ulcers can also occur due to bad habits and wrong nutrition. An unbalanced and unhealthy diet and harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol and coffee increase the risk of ulcers. Excessively salty, spicy foods, fried foods, sausages, sausages, chocolate, onion, garlic, staying hungry for a long time, and swallowing food without chewing enough are among the main harmful habits that cause ulcers.
The most common symptoms of stomach ulcers are burning in the upper abdomen, pain between meals, and pain that wakes people up at night.
Following a doctor's check-up, the tests and examinations required to diagnose ulcers are as follows:
In cases where ulcer wounds are caused by Helicobacter pylori, drug (antibiotic) treatment is applied. The treatment method to be applied varies depending on the characteristics of the wound. In some cases, it may be necessary to use H2 drugs to prevent excessive acid production in the stomach. Thanks to these drugs, acid secretion decreases and the excess acid in the stomach also decreases.
In cases where drug treatment of the ulcer has no effect on healing, medications should not be stopped without consulting a doctor and should be used patiently.
In cases where drug treatment is insufficient, that is, the ulcer cannot be controlled with drug treatment, the effects of the ulcer are reduced by surgical intervention (surgery). During the surgery, the ulcerated part is removed and a piece taken from the healthy part of the intestines is stitched there (into the injured area). In addition, the nerves that supply acid are cut during the surgery in order to reduce the excess acid secreted by the stomach.
Finally, one should regulate one's habits, which are one of the causes of ulcers. Meals should be eaten at certain times every day, smoking, coffee and alcohol should be avoided, and attention should be paid to the hygiene of the food consumed and also to dental health.